ADPR is named for the twin pillars of brand building and communications: advertising and public relations.
Whatever the channel, whoever the audience, and with the addition of innovative web3 creative services,
ADPR puts these disciplines to work for you.

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Branding, Creative Consultancy, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Web3 Creative Services, Startup Sling Package for SMEs and startups

About ADPR

Anand Peter, Director at ADPR, is a seasoned communications professional. He works closely with clients to add value to their business, by providing a mix of strategic, creative and executional services. His 20+ years of experience encompass branding; mainline, out of home and online advertising; digital and social-media marketing; and events. Recently, he has also worked on pilot projects for clients engaged in AI, Machine Learning and Deep Tech.

Anand's clients have spanned industries, and include Adobe, Dell, Infosys, Godrej, Myntra, Flipkart, Kochi Biennale Contemporary Art Festival, Lifestyle, Mahindra, Narayana Health, Wipro Limited, ITC Foods, Azim Premji University, Mobicom, Britannia Industries, and Tata Indicom. He has headed business and business development for FTW Design Studio, Grey Digital, McCann Erickson, Portland India Outdoor Advertising, all in Bangalore, India. The role included responsibility for creating marketing support materials targeting C-suite prospects especially those in North America and EMEA for global clients.

Anand handpicks customized teams for clients and/or projects, based on desired outcomes. Most of the team members have more than 15 years of experience across media and industry verticals, especially software and technology.

Our recent associations are as follows: SF Hawk (IIOT), Sustainability Living Lab (SL2), SGTech Singapore (Repair Kopitiam - Revival Square Project & EWaste NoMore Challenge) The ASEAN Post, SNP Group, Spartans Boxing Club Buona Vista Singapore, Secureum & TrustX.



ADPR works across media and channels to help you establish an identity that's unique and consistent.

Creative Consultancy

ADPR will help you stand out with sharp messaging, smooth creative execution and efficient production support. Be it corporate identity, CXO-communication (both to- and on-behalf-of), collaterals or campaigns.

Digital Marketing

Online has become a 360° medium in itself. ADPR will help you leverage it through targeted campaigns and social media.

Content Marketing

ADPR will help you generate awareness and leads by creating and promoting valuable content that gives prospects the information and perspectives they seek.

Startup sling package for SMEs & startups

ADPR understands the special requirements of startups and SMEs, and matches your passion with its sense of ownership.

Web3 Creative Services

Recently, we partnered with Web 3.0 companies to enhance their branding and design, simplifying complex concepts like DeFi and Green Crypto. For one client, we created a logo, comprehensive branding, animation videos, SWAGs, and a website and supported production for their global events.


What the new age entrepreneurs can learn from age-old professions..


#tobepublishedsoon #fisherman #hunter #shepherd #perspective #patience #bold #courage #skill

Lessons from
#1 A Fisherman


Do age-old professions like fishing have anything to teach new-age entrepreneurs? They do! Having the guts to set sail, the importance of doing your research so that you don’t get stuck in unpopulated waters and squally weather, the benefits of patience and perseverance, and the lurking dangers like sharks and changing conditions that can stymie the best-laid plans.

#perspective #skills #work #perseverance #entrepreneurs #fishing #lessons #learn #patience #risktaking #setting #sail #belief #totheunknown #calculative #risk #rough #sea #wait #grit #determination

#2 A Shepherd


Do age-old professions like sheepherding have anything to teach new-age entrepreneurs? They do! Knowing the pastures as well as the flock, continuously observing and learning, filing away nuggets of information for future use, caring about each member of the flock (and showing it), teaming up with an efficient partner whose skills complement your own, always being alert, adaptable and able to avoid threats, counter attacks and exploit opportunities.

#leadership #serve #alert #adaptable #observation #perspective #skills #work #perseverance #entrepreneurs #lessons #learn #patience #risktaking #risk #grit #determination #guidance #sheepherding #shepherd #leadandserve

#3 An Explorer


Exploration has never been more popular than today. An Explorer is somebody who makes risky and difficult journeys to achieve the impossible. Driven by curiosity and willpower.

#perspective #skills #entrepreneurs #explore #unfamiliar #area #aggressively #enterprising #deal #new #difficult #situations #challenges #willpower #gogetters #bold #dare #courageous

Adpr DesignRush Profile


  • Phone +65 91754770 / +91 9844436538
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  • Website
  • Adpr Pte. Ltd.
    65 Chulia St, #46-00 OCBC Centre
    Singapore 049513